Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Flat Tire

I dont know about anyone else, but i can speak for myself and say that I absolutely hate flat tires. You can go from a amazing day to a pretty crappy day just because of a tire. It was a beautiful day last week when i decided to go fishing. I get to my fishing whole, have a great day with the fish. I'm bringing them in left and right. My day couldn't get any better. As i go to leave i see that my tire is sitting on the rim. needless to say my day immediately got bad. Not only was i out in the middle of nowhere with no service, i also realized that i didn't have a spare. i had to walk to where i had service and then call a friend to come get me. NOT fun at all! I guess i could pay more attention while im driving and not run over random things laying in the road.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I so understand where you are coming from I had a flat tire last year going to doctor. So I missed my appointment and had to wait two weeks for the next one.ugh!

  3. Flat tires bring me despair. I'm one of the only guys I know that wouldn't know what to do to change the tire and would willingly leave my truck wherever. I would be even more screwed because I have no spare tire, so I really hope I do not experience this anytime soon! Hope you got everything worked out though!

  4. It always seems to be the small things that mess up a day. Glad you got some alone time though.

  5. This sounds just like my boyfriend, it would literally ruin his day and he would make it to where it ruined someone else's too lol.
